Monday, March 26, 2007


Adam can't eat eggs or cheese, and yet he loved the alfredo sauce they had when he was residence at U of T. He figures he was able to eat it because the cheese was so processed and cheap that it was no longer cheese.
I decided that I was up to the challenge to try and make something tastier that still agreed with him.

1 large onion, diced
1 green pepper diced
5 cloves of garlic crushed and chopped
6-7 rashers of bacon, sliced into 1 cm pieces
1 cup diced cooked ham
2 tablespoons chicken stock powder
1/4 cup flour
1 cup water
2 cups milk
1 1/2 lbs pasta

In a large sauce pan fry up 1-2 rashers of bacon, when crispy remove from pan and drain on paper towels.
Remove most of the remaining fat in pan, leaving enough to saute onions and garlic. Once sauteed remove from pan and place aside.
Saute the rest of the bacon, when crispy remove from pan to drain with other bacon. The bottom of the pan should be covered in fat, of there is more than just a covering remove some and discard. Then while on the heat add the flour to the fat and stir to make a roux, watch carefully so it doesn't burn, cook for about a minute or two in order to remove the starchy taste of the flour. Add water and stir, it will turn into a really thick sauce, add chicken powder. When combined and smooth add milk and stir until thickens. Add onions, bacon, ham and green pepper, let simmer for 5 minutes. Serve over cooked pasta.

Adam likes this a lot. It seems to satisfy his alfredo cravings. It freezes well. Sometimes I don't use bacon, just ham and then I use a little extra vigin olive oil to do the satueeing. Chicken stock could be substituted for the powder and water, however since this is just a white sauce with stuff in it, the extra flavour is needed.

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